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Monday, September 1, 2003
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Only display: .77 Server Depardieu Ken Rauhel US Test(s) LoA

* 0204 - Akasia * Ake - Amythyst * Ancestra - ArtOfWar * Atari - Bean *
* BeBi - BlueTree * BluSky - Cabin2 * Caffeine - Cemy * Cerenis - CircleLeader *
* CirclePrince - Cowboy * CowBoy - cyclops * Cyke - DasieDuck * DCWalker - DexSTR *
* Digitized - Dominius * DoomBlade - Drathen * DrDoom - Ed * EdgyAsHell - ElvenWafer *
* ElvinArcher - EugeneKim * EvilBertz - FieldsofLove * FieldsOfLove - FrostBlue * FyreBlade - Glong1 *
* Glong1 - Guess * Gumsin02 - HIGHKINGZ * HitoKiri - IceElf * IK - Jasim *
* Jasminth - JoKeR * Josephine - Kano * Karim - Kerrigean * Khan1 - KnightRyduz *
* KnightRyDuZ - Kushiel * Kushiel - LessThanDave * Leyend - LordChaos * LordFire - MaChao *
* MackDown - Maltersers * Mama - MAY1999 * McHotGirl - Mo0nMiN * Momo777 - MyLord *
* Mysterio - NEO * NeoXAlpha - Okyl * Omegar - PantaRhae * PantheR - Phung *
* Pillow - Qesta * QueenKitara - Reiki * Release - Rye * Ryghteous - Sarevok *
* Sashi - Shayla * Shinmaril - SlashTheElff * Smckilla2 - SoulWarrior * SoulWarrior - Suba *
* Subotal - SwordKing * SwordMaister - Tenderizer * Tengil - TimeBomB * Tissot - Troica *
* TrueElf - UltimateFury * Universal - Vail * Vail - Weaponic * WhangCho - XCanibusX *
* XDaComeOn - YeilDarb * Yeyo - ZElvenRydaZ * Zephrex - ZZilionZ *
* Newest 20 Smooches *

Josephine (Oct.07.2002)
Joyce (Jun.04.2000)
come on baby light my fire
JPWorldNet (Jul.02.2000)
I got 1 word for you. It starts with "K" and ends with "neepads"
Jubilee (Jun.20.2000)
I keep looking up numbers to smooches and then coming to this screen and then looking again
Judist (Jul.27.2000)
This was what the 77 server was all about
JudJud (Nov.02.2002)
Julessss (Nov.23.2002)
Tongue on Wednesdays
Julesssss (Oct.24.2002)
I smooch her cause she had Deeqs in her title
JungHyun (Jan.21.2001)
JuniorMint (Nov.08.2001)
I met this guy at a game cafe. "You're shorter in real life Dlirk"
JvX (Apr.19.2003)
K1DA (Dec.31.2002)
KamaKazix (Jun.11.2003)
Kandice (Nov.14.2002)
Kandy (Jul.27.2000)
Kimmy is so hot, I saw this one pic where she was drunk with this other chick
Kandy (Sep.08.2000)
Who am I... I'm the guy that kisses you and you dun' care lol
Kandy (Oct.18.2002)
Kannabis (Oct.30.2002)
Kannabis (Jan.31.2003)
Kano (Apr.29.2000)