Tengil (Jun.04.2000) Best Friends! | Tengil (Sep.08.2000) First Morphed Smooch | Tengil (Nov.05.2000)
| Terius (Apr.29.2003) If you saw Crazy Strong in the dictionary, that'd be a messed up dictionary. |
Terry (Jun.23.2000) don't smooch me he says. Cancel me he does | TheBee (Sep.21.2000) just found this one | TheCrypt (Jan.02.2003) Cows say "Moo!" | TheHunter (Apr.29.2000)
TheHunter (Jun.04.2000) if I smooch a new user, is it really like the first smooch? | TheMage (Nov.18.2002) Most creative name ever. | TheSisqo (Apr.29.2000) He walked up to me and said *kiss* so he had to be here | Thin (Nov.10.2002) I had to chase him around dv |
Thram (May.21.2001) He sold a +7bkat for $200 once... | Thrasher (May.21.2001) He sold his account on ebay for over $1500 | Tiar (Jun.23.2000) This was my brother I think... | Tidus (Nov.10.2002)
Tidus (Apr.19.2003)
| TigerX (Nov.09.2001)
| TikTak (Nov.26.2002) Laura needs a TikTak. Mogsy told me | TimeBomB (Mar.11.2003)