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April 08, 2002 05:51 pm ET - research by NCSoft - Austin
EOB - episode 18
NCSoft recently posted episode 18:

You'll need to view the comics.

April 08, 2002 06:13 pm ET (#1)
Loyal Fan

722 posts

3rd comment, buy umm hey there actually arnt jumping around with the story hehe

April 08, 2002 06:15 pm ET (#2)
Loyal Fan

12 posts

It is getting more interesting. I wonder what is going to happen next. Hopefully something good, or maybe some back story for the guy with long hair.

April 08, 2002 06:52 pm ET (#3)
Loyal Fan

142 posts

who knows but lance must have gotten stronger from the fire monsters

April 08, 2002 07:19 pm ET (#4)
Loyal Fan

3 posts

These comics are too short, all that happens in this comic is: knight1 attacks knight2, knight1 apologizes, knight1 recognizes mage1, knight2 recognizes knight1. If it was happening for real it couldn't have taken more than a minute alltogether, yet here they manage to fill 5 pages with it. Same goes for all these comics lately.

April 08, 2002 07:42 pm ET (#5)
Loyal Fan

30 posts

Maybe he found a new ring were getting of +5 to all stats !!!!!
^^" and maybe not

April 08, 2002 08:06 pm ET (#6)
Loyal Fan

102 posts

It doesnt make sense at all. Just a chop can end Tauverus. I cant even end it with my knight with a chop =P

April 08, 2002 08:54 pm ET (#7)
Loyal Fan

381 posts

Did he just call elle a "he"?

April 08, 2002 09:15 pm ET (#8)
Loyal Fan

320 posts

Player babbles incoherently!!

Drool runs down his chin!!

April 08, 2002 09:46 pm ET (#9)
Loyal Fan

93 posts

I tired. Damascus kill tauverous in 1 hit O.o

April 08, 2002 09:54 pm ET (#10)
Loyal Fan

20 posts

I tried too. Damacus kill.... Tauverus end me in one hit o.0

April 08, 2002 10:13 pm ET (#11)
LC Reporter

75 posts

I think you guys are missing the whole point, In lineage of course you cannot kill it in one hit. However, if a taurverus was real it would be entirely possible to kill it with any weapon in one hit. Yeah the comic would be ever so interesting if it went frame 1 lance slashes at taurverus, frame 2 he does it again and 5 pages later it died. It may have even been a longer battle but comics generally skip things when actions are repeated.

April 08, 2002 10:18 pm ET (#12)
Loyal Fan

213 posts

i dont really understand the comics at all

April 08, 2002 10:47 pm ET (#13)
Loyal Fan

3 posts


April 08, 2002 11:16 pm ET (#14)
Loyal Fan

381 posts

Here is how our story begins.Boy is ungodly strong because he bought his account on ebay.First Boy meets elf, boy and elf meets prince.Group meets mage. Mage kills someone with errrrrrrupppppptttttiooooon. Elf uses ebol on golem. Boy takes a swim in the oasis. We learn mage seeks man, who is her brother. Mage meets man, boy fights man, everyone is confused (the readers and the people in the comic)

April 08, 2002 11:36 pm ET (#15)
Loyal Fan

49 posts


April 09, 2002 12:11 am ET (#16)
Loyal Fan

223 posts

Yammie as in the one that used to run WoL?

April 09, 2002 02:28 am ET (#17)
Loyal Fan

481 posts

it's too slow -_______-
draw faster faster faster~
this comic company is going down -_____-

April 09, 2002 02:39 am ET (#18)
Loyal Fan

119 posts

He is either using a RKS or a Damascus (it has a hole at the base of the blade). Chances are it is a Damascus cuz he used it on that golem a while back. I think I'm gonna go try to kill a Tauverous with a Damascus blade and see what happens. And oh, nice very accurate observation Sidus.

April 09, 2002 02:47 am ET (#19)
Loyal Fan

150 posts

the comic just get worst and worst
i'm getting bored over these comics

April 09, 2002 07:30 am ET (#20)
Loyal Fan

3 posts

It's obvious how he kills the taurverus that easy; he chops it's horn off in the first sling. Apparently that instantly kills the taurverus. However, our dumb lineage characters haven't figured that out, so when we order them to hit a taurverus they just go chopping away at it's body, which is made of living fire. Logically, you'd have to hit it there a few dozen times before it dies.

I'm wondering more about the fact that this guy that's supposedly the strongest knight isn't wearing anyhing remotely resembling armor, so ingame he would have 10 AC. Unless he has +20 pants and hair ofcourse. No wait, the dex bonus is in and he is level 100 with 50 dex, that's gotta be it.

April 09, 2002 09:18 am ET (#21)
Loyal Fan

102 posts

he's just lev 5 when he killed a golem and now suddenly can kill tauverus in a chop. How can he gain lev so fast first of all? and where got such thing as a chop to end tauverus. Its getting bored and bored -.-

April 09, 2002 09:57 am ET (#22)
Loyal Fan

98 posts

In the wonderfull world of lineage, anything is possible!!

April 09, 2002 02:30 pm ET (#23)
Loyal Fan

30 posts

he must of got one of his friends to play wile he was sleeping ..
and another wile he was at work....
Thats how he lvled up so fast!
AND one of his friends probly over zeled his armor and thats why he has none.
It all went pop !! ^^

April 09, 2002 08:24 pm ET (#24)
Loyal Fan

597 posts

ok this is off topic but i need to fix this when i go to my lineage properties the place where iam suppose to change the ip number to go to test server its all greyed out and i cant chnage ip or the target thing!

plz help!

April 10, 2002 12:05 am ET (#25)
Loyal Fan

162 posts

kakakaka lol ~! make new shortcut --

April 10, 2002 12:08 am ET (#26)
Loyal Fan

162 posts

ok...and about the comic....the guy is prolly a korean O.o (using a hack should be implied --;)

April 10, 2002 01:00 am ET (#27)
Loyal Fan

597 posts

i keep making new shortcuts it dont work. When i go to lineage properties it is all blank it doesnt say anything but icant type anythign either,all blank in grey all i want to do is to log onto test plz help me out someone.

April 10, 2002 01:50 am ET (#28)
Loyal Fan

2 posts

Hi, Some friends and I are doing research about virtual worlds and online societies. If anyone thinks they would be interested in helping us out. We've posted a survey about your experiences with lineage at:

We'd really appreciate it if you could find the time to take it. It takes a little less than 10 minutes and we really need the help with our project.

thanks ^_^

April 10, 2002 03:04 am ET (#29)
Loyal Fan

30 posts

he must of got one of his friends to play wile he was sleeping ..
and another wile he was at work....
Thats how he lvled up so fast!
AND one of his friends probly over zeled his armor and thats why he has none.
It all went pop !! ^^

April 10, 2002 03:45 am ET (#30)
Kill you
Loyal Fan

46 posts

i think lance is super sayan now o.O;;

August 25, 2002 07:09 am ET (#31)
Loyal Fan

1155 posts

Babo comic o.o

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