Lineage OST downloads:
Key: Track #n (x) [y] {z}
The filename in Lineage is musicnn.mp3, x is the official song name, y is my notes on where it is played, z is the official NCSoft track #.
Track #0 (The Blood Pledge) [login/select char] {Track 1}
Track #1 [rolling a prince]
Track #2 [rolling a knight]
Track #3 [rolling an elf]
Track #4 [rolling a mage]
Track #5 (Eternally) [credits/death] {Track 20}
Track #6 [in combat]
Track #7 [player killing]
Track #8 (Under Siege) [pledge war/siege] {Track 17}
Track #9 (The Man of Honor) [pledge war/siege win] {Track 19}
Track #10 (Vagabonds) [pledge war/siege lose] {Track 11}
Track #12 (A New Hope) [talking island] {Track 9}
Track #14 [Kent]
Track #15 (Beat Down) [Orc Fortress/Windawood Desert] {Track 10}
Track #16 (Moonlight) [Elven Forest] {Track 12}
Track #18 (Recluse) [Gludio/Woodbec/SKT] {Track 2}
Track #19 (Night Of Kismet) [Dragon] {Track 5}
Track #20 (All Our Wants) [Giran] {Track 3}
Track #21 (Absolute Force) [siege occupy] {Track 18}
Track #23 (Stargaze) [Heine] {Track 15}
Track #24
Track #25 [christmas theme ^^]
Track #26
Track #32 (The Other Side) [ant cave/dvc 1f/fafurion room/heine 3-4f] {Track 6}
Track #35 (IF...) [in Giran castle] {Track 14}
Track #36 (What's That?) {Track 16}
Track #37 (Against the Odds) [singing island/hidden valley/losus island] {Track 4}
Track #38 (Desperate Moment) [Mirror Forest] {Track 13}
Track #39 [large wasteland]
Track #40 [Heine Forest]
Track #?? (The Thing) {Track 7}
Track #?? (Your Wish) {Track 8}