* Spell Level 1 * Spell Level 2 * Spell Level 3 * Spell Level 4 * Spell Level 5 * Spell Level 6 * Spell Level 7 * Spell Level 8 * Spell Level 9 * Spell Level 10 * Elf Spirit Magic 1 * Elf Spirit Magic 2 * Elf Spirit Magic 3 * Elf Spirit Magic 4 * Elf Spirit Magic 5 * Dark Elf Spirit Magic 1 * Dark Elf Spirit Magic 2 * Dark Elf Spirit Magic 3
All spells level 3 and below can be purchased from NPCs (Gereng in Talking Island, and Horun in the mountains northeast of Elven Forest) |
Icon |
Type |
name |
Energy Bolt |
alignment |
Neutral |
MP / HP / gems |
3 MP / 0 HP |
duration |
Instantaneous |
target |
One PC or NPC |
effect |
Inflicts small damage on a target with pure magical energy...Zzzzt! |
Icon |
Type |
name |
Lesser Heal |
alignment |
Lawful |
element |
Earth |
MP / HP / gems |
4 MP / 0 HP |
duration |
Instantaneous |
target |
One PC or NPC
effect |
Restores target's HP slightly, and can also be used on the undead to inflict some damage. |
Icon |
Type |
name |
Light |
alignment |
Neutral |
MP / HP / gems |
4 MP / 0 HP |
duration |
2 hours |
target |
Caster |
effect |
Conjures up a light source for the duration that is brighter than a lantern. |
Icon |
Type |
name |
Shield |
alignment |
Neutral |
MP / HP / gems |
3 MP / 5 HP |
duration |
30 minutes |
target |
Caster |
effect |
Lowers the AC of the target by 1. However, the effect of this spell is not cumulative.
Icon |
Type |
name |
Teleport |
alignment |
Neutral |
MP / HP / gems |
5 MP / 0 HP |
duration |
Instantaneous |
target |
Caster |
effect |
Teleports caster to a random location. However, if you use it while wearing "Ring of Teleport Control", which is a special item, you can teleport to the location of your choice.
Icon |
Type |
name |
Ice Dagger |
alignment |
Neutral |
element |
Water |
MP / HP / gems |
3 MP / 0 HP |
duration |
Instantaneous |
target |
One PC or NPC |
effect |
Is a basic level spell that creates a small dagger of ice which flies at the target to cause damage.
Icon |
Type |
name |
Wind Shuriken |
alignment |
Neutral |
element |
Air |
MP / HP / gems |
3 MP / 0 HP |
duration |
Instantaneous |
target |
One PC or NPC |
effect |
If this spell is cast, a round toothed wheel is created above the head of the caster and this flies at a target to cause damage.
Icon |
Type |
name |
Holy Weapon |
alignment |
Neutral |
MP / HP / gems |
10 MP / 0 HP |
duration |
10 minutes |
target |
One PC or NPC |
effect |
Gives holy energy to a weapon and causes strong damage to undead targets.