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January 03, 2003 06:33 am ET - research by amateras
Tower of Insolence 2f-7f Monsters compiled a list of the monsters (,,,,, their speeds and the floors they spawn on. Here's the summary:

Nightmare: Walks very fast, hits very slow. Not strong. Spawns 5f, 6f, 7f.

Medusa: Walks slow, hits slow. Can cast Curse: Paralyze, takes a long time to set in and lasts a relatively short time. Sees SOSC and COI. Spawns 5f, 6f, 7f.

Bone Dragon: Walks slow, hits slow. Spawns 7f.

Lesser Dragon: Walks slow, hits very slow. Weaker than drake. Has a critical hit attack to worry about. Sees SOSC and COI. Spawns 4f, 5f, 6f.

Chimera: Walks slow, hits very slow. Poisons. Can't see COI, can't see SOSC. Spawns 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f.

Dire Wolf: Walks very fast, hits very slow. Very strong, can see SOSC and COI. Spawns 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6f.

Dancing Sword: Walks very fast, hits slow. Strong. Cannot see SOSC or COI. Spawns 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6f, 7f.

Ramia: Walks slow, hits very slow. Spawns 7f.

Maps are in the Map Guide :)

January 03, 2003 06:59 am ET (#2)
Loyal Fan

144 posts

ok whats it mean walks very slow.... give us something to compare too...
hit very slow = what astiago?
anyway elaborate just a tiny bit more Nue...
Gj on these findings Amer

January 03, 2003 07:04 am ET (#3)
LC Admin

864 posts

Why does everyone think all news is by Nue now that we posted Happy Birthday? lol

Astagio would be a monster that walks "Slow" and hits "Very Slow". These speeds are all relative to the normal unhasted person. So, a knight with a sword (unhasted, unmorphed) would walk Normal and hit Normal.

January 03, 2003 07:18 am ET (#4)
Loyal Fan

667 posts

Everything hits slow, walks slow, whats that a slow-motion episode?
Anyway i dont like it, its scary that all mops have a 1hit-kill attack, i dont see the point on it, its really stupid, will make the people keep on hunting on firevalley.

January 03, 2003 07:32 am ET (#5)
Loyal Fan

510 posts

ill be hunting here...thx for the info Amer I know what floors to hunt and what ^^

January 03, 2003 07:42 am ET (#6)
Loyal Fan

351 posts

ty amateras. seeing that some can't see through coi is a nice thing.. means u can drown out the annoyances somewhat (specially them swords). only question i have is any idea of the tribal-ness of these mops? like will a chimra hit u if u hit another one, or like ghost/seadancer where it attack if u hit anything else.. stuff like that?

January 03, 2003 07:44 am ET (#7)
Loyal Fan

351 posts

actually yoshiki walk slow and hit slow = elves best friend ^^ so i bet we will see 4 elf parties a bit, or 3 elf 1 knight.

January 03, 2003 08:15 am ET (#8)
Loyal Fan

42 posts

ya got that right collector ^_^

January 03, 2003 08:48 am ET (#9)
Loyal Fan

73 posts

Will heal spell hurt the bone dragon?

Wich of this mops are tameable?

January 03, 2003 09:37 am ET (#10)
Loyal Fan

355 posts

What about the first post you made about the dancing swords being very fast hitters... with the animation and stuff. They seemed to be real fast hitters. Now you say it hits slow????
read it again, he said that they were NOT fast, the gif had "frameskip"

January 03, 2003 09:56 am ET (#11)
Loyal Fan

173 posts

Not all mops are slow-walkers, some are very fast. It seems they are all slow-hitters. Hope NC doesnt leave that 1hit-1kill thing. For the lvl of players required to visit this tower, a death means MANY hours (days) of work... thus, this could be a very little visited place if they leave that in...

January 03, 2003 11:09 am ET (#12)
Loyal Fan

337 posts

that dont seem so difficult .... ~_~

January 03, 2003 01:32 pm ET (#13)
Loyal Fan

1155 posts


January 03, 2003 02:09 pm ET (#14)
Loyal Fan

89 posts

NCSoft is so stupid...

There should be MOP that sees SOSC and does NOT see COI !?

What's the point of COI if SOSC does just as well ?!

here SOSC has the advantage, as it takes several
dangerous seconds to un-COI re-Cloak then Hit!

January 03, 2003 02:31 pm ET (#15)
LC Reporter

103 posts

Ummmmm... this is fairly contradictory to the other post on the strength of the mops there. How does "weaker than a drake" compare to the other ratings though? Is "very strong" stronger than that? If not, it doesn't sound like we have much to worry about seeing as drakes aren't terribly difficult.

How do these compare with like a tauv's melee attack? Give us something to base it off of.

January 03, 2003 02:47 pm ET (#16)
Loyal Fan

667 posts

Its is not that hard but remember bone dragon, lesser dragon, dire wolf...lesser demon can make u like 400-500 with 1 hit, or that was they said.

January 03, 2003 03:36 pm ET (#17)
LC Reporter

103 posts

True... but doesn't sound much harder than FI, if that. And FI isn't really as hard as everyone makes it out to be--just scarey because of no venz. I'd still like to know what's meant by "very strong", "strong", etc in relation to some mop we know. I'm guessing tauv melee would be "strong" but I don't know.

How many lesser demons will there be anyway? I feel pretty confident that a reasonable group of people ~lvl50 could take a good number of dire wolves and such if they have a shred of strategy.

I dunno, maybe I'm wrong, but it looks very similar to FI where a small group of high levels is fine as long as they take it at a comfortable pace.

Oh, and is there anything with ranged attack?

January 03, 2003 04:13 pm ET (#18)
Loyal Fan

641 posts

i think in previous news there's one where most of the 1hit death attacks got disabled for some ep12 mops....

if they walk slow, hit slow, dont see sosc and coi, and no 1hit death

what's the point of HARD? hit and run and let the summon/pets/dogs kill all those things - -"...they should just leave those 1hit death thing in, but probably lower the rate of getting 1hit death to get some difficulty..

January 03, 2003 07:09 pm ET (#19)
Loyal Fan

925 posts

I'm curious what mops do the 1-hit-kill
from the knight that killed Lich
Direwolf is one of them
as well as the cube
the lesser dragon and bone dragon
lesser demon
r they the only ones that do it?
the ultimate group for this tower seems to be elves and mages
elves run and shoot
while mages slow them down even slower than they already r
slow a lesser dragon or bone dragon and no way will they be able to hit u
unless they got some long range attack...@_@

we're limited on info unless u want personal thoughts of ppl playing on korean test
just patiently wait til it hits our test servers around feburary and march
cuz we know the facts now
and NC is bound to change things
watch them change the one-hit-kill to making the mops just stronger with more AC and HP
cuz we still don't know their stats

January 04, 2003 06:14 pm ET (#20)
Loyal Fan

127 posts

im scared

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