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Monday, September 1, 2003
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Only display: .77 Server Depardieu Ken Rauhel US Test(s) LoA

* 0204 - Akasia * Ake - Amythyst * Ancestra - ArtOfWar * Atari - Bean *
* BeBi - BlueTree * BluSky - Cabin2 * Caffeine - Cemy * Cerenis - CircleLeader *
* CirclePrince - Cowboy * CowBoy - cyclops * Cyke - DasieDuck * DCWalker - DexSTR *
* Digitized - Dominius * DoomBlade - Drathen * DrDoom - Ed * EdgyAsHell - ElvenWafer *
* ElvinArcher - EugeneKim * EvilBertz - FieldsofLove * FieldsOfLove - FrostBlue * FyreBlade - Glong1 *
* Glong1 - Guess * Gumsin02 - HIGHKINGZ * HitoKiri - IceElf * IK - Jasim *
* Jasminth - JoKeR * Josephine - Kano * Karim - Kerrigean * Khan1 - KnightRyduz *
* KnightRyDuZ - Kushiel * Kushiel - LessThanDave * Leyend - LordChaos * LordFire - MaChao *
* MackDown - Maltersers * Mama - MAY1999 * McHotGirl - Mo0nMiN * Momo777 - MyLord *
* Mysterio - NEO * NeoXAlpha - Okyl * Omegar - PantaRhae * PantheR - Phung *
* Pillow - Qesta * QueenKitara - Reiki * Release - Rye * Ryghteous - Sarevok *
* Sashi - Shayla * Shinmaril - SlashTheElff * Smckilla2 - SoulWarrior * SoulWarrior - Suba *
* Subotal - SwordKing * SwordMaister - Tenderizer * Tengil - TimeBomB * Tissot - Troica *
* TrueElf - UltimateFury * Universal - Vail * Vail - Weaponic * WhangCho - XCanibusX *
* XDaComeOn - YeilDarb * Yeyo - ZElvenRydaZ * Zephrex - ZZilionZ *
* Newest 20 Smooches *

EdgyAsHell (Oct.18.2002)
Elahrairah (Nov.05.2002)
•6:22PM• Elahrairah - I'm surprised there wasn't a smooch included in there.
Elane (Apr.19.2003)
the most stunning princess this side of well...
Elane (Jun.11.2003)
Hi Mom
Elendel (Apr.29.2003)
Yeah... I'll get on that.
ElfBow (Apr.29.2000)
Not as strong as one might think. I'll use an Xbow
ElfBoy (Oct.08.2000)
He was level 49 on 77 server. Very few were that high. He was almost 50
ElfDarkFire (Aug.13.2000)
Ender's game is a good book
ElfDragonBoy (Aug.13.2000)
I killed him with a +1dagger once
Elfette (Apr.30.2000)
I'm feeling elfy this mornin'
ElfficA (Apr.29.2000)
think RGLongBowman times 50
ElfKoston (Nov.10.2002)
hey i need some sort of assistance from yourself
ElfMask (Dec.03.2000)
he plays bluemask on 77 and Ken
ElfMaster (Oct.28.2002)
Ella (Nov.26.2002)
This was sent to me from the HK server!
Ellrond (Mar.24.2003)
I'm not crazy. You are crazy!
ElMago (Jun.11.2003)
Elu (Oct.29.2002)
Elutheria (Feb.15.2003)
*poke* *poke poke*
ElvenWafer (Jun.11.2003)
too bad fishy, my name now, and it's banned hehe