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Monday, September 1, 2003
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Only display: .77 Server Depardieu Ken Rauhel US Test(s) LoA

* 0204 - Akasia * Ake - Amythyst * Ancestra - ArtOfWar * Atari - Bean *
* BeBi - BlueTree * BluSky - Cabin2 * Caffeine - Cemy * Cerenis - CircleLeader *
* CirclePrince - Cowboy * CowBoy - cyclops * Cyke - DasieDuck * DCWalker - DexSTR *
* Digitized - Dominius * DoomBlade - Drathen * DrDoom - Ed * EdgyAsHell - ElvenWafer *
* ElvinArcher - EugeneKim * EvilBertz - FieldsofLove * FieldsOfLove - FrostBlue * FyreBlade - Glong1 *
* Glong1 - Guess * Gumsin02 - HIGHKINGZ * HitoKiri - IceElf * IK - Jasim *
* Jasminth - JoKeR * Josephine - Kano * Karim - Kerrigean * Khan1 - KnightRyduz *
* KnightRyDuZ - Kushiel * Kushiel - LessThanDave * Leyend - LordChaos * LordFire - MaChao *
* MackDown - Maltersers * Mama - MAY1999 * McHotGirl - Mo0nMiN * Momo777 - MyLord *
* Mysterio - NEO * NeoXAlpha - Okyl * Omegar - PantaRhae * PantheR - Phung *
* Pillow - Qesta * QueenKitara - Reiki * Release - Rye * Ryghteous - Sarevok *
* Sashi - Shayla * Shinmaril - SlashTheElff * Smckilla2 - SoulWarrior * SoulWarrior - Suba *
* Subotal - SwordKing * SwordMaister - Tenderizer * Tengil - TimeBomB * Tissot - Troica *
* TrueElf - UltimateFury * Universal - Vail * Vail - Weaponic * WhangCho - XCanibusX *
* XDaComeOn - YeilDarb * Yeyo - ZElvenRydaZ * Zephrex - ZZilionZ *
* Newest 20 Smooches *

Gumsin02 (Oct.31.2002)
GunterII (Feb.15.2003)
Gyan (Aug.13.2000)
not famous or strong so much as he was annoying
Hable (May.21.2001)
Hadex (Sep.03.2000)
Hi BaboDex. Few People know I played on this character too
Hadex (Nov.05.2000)
This is after Hadex used his 7th b-dai and his bow is still +6
Hadex (Nov.13.2000)
This is at 4am monday morning. I have a test in 4 hours
Hadex (Oct.18.2002)
HairSong (Jun.23.2000)
HalfBaked (Jan.14.2003)
Handle (Mar.11.2003)
Handle (Apr.19.2003)
One of my favorite earth elves
Handle (Jun.11.2003)
UnBan Me
Hannon (Aug.13.2001)
Hellarchon (Jul.13.2000)
Herc (Oct.22.2002)
I'm just touched lol
Herc (Oct.22.2002)
Herc (Feb.15.2003)
Herc looks so weird without the dk morph huh.
Hero (Jul.07.2000)
poor guy, he must be sick today. - TelevisionMan
HIGHKINGZ (Apr.19.2003)