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Only display: .77 Server Depardieu Ken Rauhel US Test(s) LoA

* 0204 - Akasia * Ake - Amythyst * Ancestra - ArtOfWar * Atari - Bean *
* BeBi - BlueTree * BluSky - Cabin2 * Caffeine - Cemy * Cerenis - CircleLeader *
* CirclePrince - Cowboy * CowBoy - cyclops * Cyke - DasieDuck * DCWalker - DexSTR *
* Digitized - Dominius * DoomBlade - Drathen * DrDoom - Ed * EdgyAsHell - ElvenWafer *
* ElvinArcher - EugeneKim * EvilBertz - FieldsofLove * FieldsOfLove - FrostBlue * FyreBlade - Glong1 *
* Glong1 - Guess * Gumsin02 - HIGHKINGZ * HitoKiri - IceElf * IK - Jasim *
* Jasminth - JoKeR * Josephine - Kano * Karim - Kerrigean * Khan1 - KnightRyduz *
* KnightRyDuZ - Kushiel * Kushiel - LessThanDave * Leyend - LordChaos * LordFire - MaChao *
* MackDown - Maltersers * Mama - MAY1999 * McHotGirl - Mo0nMiN * Momo777 - MyLord *
* Mysterio - NEO * NeoXAlpha - Okyl * Omegar - PantaRhae * PantheR - Phung *
* Pillow - Qesta * QueenKitara - Reiki * Release - Rye * Ryghteous - Sarevok *
* Sashi - Shayla * Shinmaril - SlashTheElff * Smckilla2 - SoulWarrior * SoulWarrior - Suba *
* Subotal - SwordKing * SwordMaister - Tenderizer * Tengil - TimeBomB * Tissot - Troica *
* TrueElf - UltimateFury * Universal - Vail * Vail - Weaponic * WhangCho - XCanibusX *
* XDaComeOn - YeilDarb * Yeyo - ZElvenRydaZ * Zephrex - ZZilionZ *
* Newest 20 Smooches *

Karim (Nov.08.2000)
Karim (Nov.08.2000)
Karleah (Nov.14.2002)
*flaps at you*
Kasmit (Mar.14.2003)
Breath into me and Make me real!
Katana (Nov.26.2002)
"Don't smooch me, I'm a guy"
Katana (Mar.11.2003)
Katilynn (Nov.07.2002)
I'm sure sunburst on an elf isn't that rare, but it scared me right good
Katsu (Oct.31.2002)
Kayin (Apr.29.2000)
Kazama (Nov.05.2000)
Kazandra (Jun.04.2000)
the nicest girl ever. Jo Jo *hugs*
Kazin (May.10.2000)
go play shining force!
Kebin (Nov.04.2000)
He tried to be a bad ass on dep. But Kristen was so much more of an ass.
Kebin (Nov.05.2000)
Ken03 (Jul.16.2000)
Emperor's mage with a pledge name no one could type
Kenale (Oct.07.2002)
Kengi (Jul.02.2000)
If I was to put his phone # up here, would woodchucks chuck wood?
Kengi (Nov.15.2002)
Kent Castle Guard (Oct.08.2000)
Hey there big boy
Kerrigean (Jun.11.2003)